Our RSS/Atom Feed widget displays items from an RSS or Atom feed as a list, including the title, date and time it was published.
To use our RSS/Atom Feed widget, you must be on a paid plan.
Click Add widget, located in the top right of your dashboard.
Click on RSS or Atom from the list of data sources.
Click on the RSS/Atom Feed widget.
Choose the Feed Items widget and Add to dashboard.
There's no authentication required for fetching data from RSS or Atom feeds, unless specifically required by the feed URL. The username and password for the feed can be entered while setting up the widget.
Example configuration for RSS/Atom Feed widgets
The RSS/Atom Feed offers a single Feed Items widget.
Example RSS/Atom Feed configuration
Title: BBC Feed Items
Username: The username to authenticate against the feed, if needed.
Password: The password to authenticate against the feed, if needed.
Tip: Using the RSS/Atom Atom Feed widget, you can easily track your Google Alerts on your dashboards.