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Build your dashboard
Build, display, and customize your dashboards.
76 articles
Getting started with Geckoboard
Add a new dashboard
Duplicate a dashboard
Delete a dashboard
Add a dashboard widget
Duplicate a dashboard widget
Delete a dashboard widget
Set the time on the dashboard footer clock
Set the location and timezone on a dashboard
Dashboard error: 'Geckoboard failed to start'
404 errors in Geckoboard
Arrange widgets on a dashboard
Add widget titles and labels
Switch between dashboards using links
Reorder multiple dashboards
Alternative to using iFrames to embed dashboard content
Copy a widget to another dashboard
Planning your dashboard design and layout
Widgets may display partial data during the initial import process
Migrate to a new connection after existing connection's permissions revoked
Types of visualizations in Geckoboard
Add goals to Number widgets
Create visual alerts with Status indicators
Get notified in Slack when important changes happen to a key metric
Compare different metrics within the same widget
Add more columns to table widgets
Set the format of widget numbers
Guide to the number visualization
Guide to the gauge visualization
Guide to the line chart visualization
Guide to the column chart visualization
Guide to the bar chart visualization
Guide to the leaderboard visualization
Use filters to refine data shown within your widgets
Break up data within a single chart using Split by
Add emoji to dashboard widgets
Why we don't support pie charts
Why Number widget progress goal values round down, not up
Decimal and thousands separators not displaying correctly on widgets
Widget config message: 'There’s a new version of this integration available'
Widget error: 'We were unable to build your widget'
Widget error: 'These metrics and filters are not compatible'
Widget error: 'no data to visualize'
Can I compare data from different data sources?
Can I display stacked bar charts?
Widget config message: 'The widget is no longer supported'
When to use a number vs a gauge viz
Add images using the Image widget
Display formatted text using the Text widget
Display the time and date on a dashboard using the Clock widget
Display a QR code on your dashboard
Add an RSS/Atom Feed widget to your dashboard
Use Interactive view to investigate the data behind your widgets
Display Google Alerts on a RSS/Atom Feed widget
Display customer satisfaction scores using Image widgets
Build a dashboard using data from a CSV file
Display image roulette on your dashboard using Dropbox
Image widget: Images hosted in Google Drive not loading
Supported HTML tags and attributes for legacy Text widgets