If you're seeing a 'There’s a new version of this integration available' banner alert on your widget's config screen, see our list of supported data sources to find out if a new version is available.
My widget's data source is still listed
There will be a new data source for it. Often, this has been done to allow for improvements. New data sources are made available to customers automatically. When you add a new widget, it will use the most recent version of its data source. We recommend adding and configuring a new widget and removing the one with the warning message.
My widget's data source is no longer listed
Unfortunately, your widget's data source is no longer available. Depending on the type and scope of changes to the service's API, we can sometimes adapt to meet the changes, creating an entirely new data source. Other times, unfortunately, adapting is out of our control (i.e. when limitations that aren't compatible with Geckoboard are introduced).