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Add goals to Number widgets

Learn how to visualize your progress toward a specific target over time.

Updated over 3 months ago

To add a goal to a Number widget, first determine if the goal aims to measure an increase or decrease in current performance.

Goals that measure an increase

An example of a goal that measures an increasing value is Monthy recurring revenue or MRR, as you typically want this metric to grow. If your current MRR is $87k, your goal might be to increase your MRR to reach $100k.

  1. Create or edit an existing widget.

  2. Click Set a Goal.

  3. In the Goal is field, enter the target value you want to measure progress toward.

  4. Click Apply, then Save.

Goals that measure a decrease

An example of a goal that measures a decreasing value is First reply time or FRT, as you usually want this value to be as low as possible. If your current FRT is 60 minutes, your goal may be to lower this value to reach 30 minutes FRT.

  1. Create or edit an existing widget.

  2. Click Set a Goal.

  3. In the Goal is field, enter the target value you want to measure progress toward.

  4. Define your current performance for this metric and enter the current value (or the one you started from if different) into the starting from field.

  5. Click Apply, then Save.

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