Add multiple series of data to line and column charts using data from spreadsheets.
Video tutorial
Create multi-series line chart widgets
After connecting your spreadsheet to Geckoboard, click drag to select the cells you want to visualize.
Line chart widgets require at least:1 date, string (for X-axis labels) or numeric column
1 other numeric column
Next, you'll see highlighted visualization options for your selection. Click the line chart icon to preview how your line chart widget will look. When you're happy with your selection, click Continue >.
By default, Geckoboard reads the data in columns. If your data series is arranged in rows, click Switch rows and columns.Now you'll next see the widget configuration screen and a preview showing the multiple series in your line chart.
On this screen you'll be able to add goal targets, status indicators, comparison visualizations, and any additional formatting information about the data being displayed.
Create multi-series column chart widgets
After connecting your spreadsheet to Geckoboard, click drag to select the cells you want to visualize.
Column chart widgets require at least:1 date, string or numeric column
1 other numeric column
Next, you'll see highlighted visualization options for your selection. Click the column chart icon to preview how your column chart widget will look. When you're happy with your selection, click Continue >.
By default, Geckoboard reads the data in columns. If your data series is arranged in rows, click Switch rows and columns.Now you'll next see the widget configuration screen and a preview showing the multiple series in your column chart.
On this screen you'll be able to add goal targets, status indicators, comparison visualizations, and any additional formatting information about the data being displayed.