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Customize Intercom widgets

Learn how to adjust presentation options and filter your Intercom data to create easy-to-understand visualizations.

Updated over a month ago

This guide walks you through the various options available when customizing Intercom widgets.


If your plan allows, you can connect to multiple Intercom workspaces. To do this, open the Connection menu and click + Add connection.


The metric picker allows you to select any of the Intercom metrics Geckoboard supports. Hover over the info icon to learn about each metric.

Line charts, Column charts and Tables allow plotting a second comparison metric on the same widget. To do this, click + Compare metric.


The visualization menu allows you to choose between plotting your data as:

  • Number

  • Gauge

  • Line chart

  • Column chart

  • Bar chart

  • Leaderboard

  • Table

The options available depends on how you've configured your widget. See our guide to choosing the right visualization for your data.


If you want to group by a certain dimension you need to select a visualization that supports grouping:

  • Column chart (under Horizontal Axis)

  • Bar chart (Labels)

  • Leaderboard (Labels)

  • Table (Group by)

For example, you could try a Leaderboard configured to show the average Time to close by Teammate.

Leaderboard showing Intercom support data in Geckoboard

Split by

If you're creating a Line or Column chart and haven't chosen additional metrics to compare, you can Split by a chosen dimension.

For example, you could try splitting New conversations by Status to track today's queues.

example of a column chart showing Intercom chat data split over the same chart in Geckoboard


The time picker allows you to select timeframe for your data. You can also create a Custom period from the bottom of the select menu.

Compare to previous period

If you're creating a Number or Line chart, you can compare to a previous period.

For example, you could try comparing Today to the Same day last week.

Min/Max values

The Gauge visualization supports setting minimum and maximum values. If left blank, these values are automatically calculated.

Filter results

Filters allow you to dial in to the exact value you care about. Filter options available include:

  • Is: show only those values that the data is

  • Is not: show only those values that the data is not

For example, you could use filters to track the number of Conversations that have been Tagged.

Set a goal

On the Number, Line, Column and Bar charts visualizations it's possible to show your progress towards a chosen target by setting a goal.

Setting a Starting from value on Number visualizations enables you to set more meaningful goals.


The Formatting menu allows you to overrule the automatically set number of decimal places used, or add additional information about the values on your widget. For more information, see our guide to using the data formatting options.

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