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Troubleshoot Instagram connections

Steps to take if you can't connect your Instagram account.

Updated over a week ago

If you can't connect your Instagram account, it's likely that either:

  1. You're trying to connect a personal Instagram account to our Instagram Business integration, or;

Please check to ensure you're connecting an Instagram business account, and that it's also connected to a Facebook Page associated with your business. Personal Instagram accounts are no longer supported by the API we're using.

Why are personal accounts no longer supported?

Instagram retired their legacy API that our old Instagram integration used. There are now two new Instagram APIs, one for getting data for personal Instagram accounts (Basic Display API) and one for getting data Business accounts (Graph API).

We were unable to repurpose our current integration that connects personal Instagram accounts for Graph API, so we've built a new integration that requires an Instagram business account that's also connected to a Facebook Page associated with your business.

Can I convert my personal Instagram account to a business account?

Yes. If you're using a personal Instagram solely for your business, you might want to consider converting your personal Instagram profile to a professional account.

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