Open conversations data is incorrect
Our "Open conversations" metric isn't comparable to the number of open conversations in Intercom.
This is a known issue specifically related to conversations being converted to tickets by Intercom. When this happens, it causes our integration not to count tickets correctly. As our engineering team is looking into this issue, please get in touch.
Selected timespan longer than the accumulated imported data
When you first connect your Intercom data to Geckoboard we'll import the last 31 days of data. Then, over time, we accumulate more of your data. You can select any time period in the config, but how far back Geckoboard can go is always limited by when you connected to Intercom and we imported your data.
Timezone issue with daylight saving
If your Intercom workspace is set to the Europe/London timezone, the reports in Intercom are always run off GMT+0. This means that during during GMT+1 (British Summertime) Intercom’s Reports in the UI are showing incorrect data (offset by an hour). This bug, that might also happen with other timezones with daylight saving times, can cause Intercom’s data not to match ours.