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How to build a Shopify dashboard

Learn how to build a real-time Shopify dashboard.

Updated yesterday

In this guide, we'll cover the basics of building a Shopify dashboard to monitor all your stores’ key data in one place. We'll show you how to start building a dashboard focused on Orders and Sales metrics.

We’ll also cover advanced features such as Interactive view, which allows you to drill down into your data and notifications, display your product images, and more.

Get connected

To begin, we’ll start by connecting your Shopify account to import your data with these steps:

  1. Click the + Add widget button on your dashboard.

  2. Search for and select Shopify from the list.

  3. Choose the Start from scratch option or select a pre-built widget configuration.

  4. Follow the prompts to create the connection.

    1. In the modal that appears, click Install.

    2. Log into your Shopify account when prompted.

    3. Select the store you want to connect with.

    4. Then click Install again to complete the connection.

Now that you’ve connected, we’ll start importing your data. Depending on the volume of data, this may take some time to complete. During this import, you can continue to configure your dashboard or build widgets using other data sources.

Create your first widget

With your Shopify account connected, you can start configuring your widgets:

  1. Hover over the top right of your widget, click the ellipsis, then click Edit.

  2. In the panel that opens, select the metric you wish to display.

    1. We’ll select Net Sales.

  3. In the Visualization field, select the option that works best for your data.

    1. We'll select Number.

  4. Next, click Set a goal to add a secondary visualization.

    1. Set your goal target value.

    2. Leave the Starting from field set to zero.

    3. Then click Apply.

  5. Hover below the numbers and add a label to the widget.

  6. Click Save.

Expand your dashboard

Duplicate widgets to quickly build out the dashboard

Now that your first widget is built, continue adding more widgets for the same data source quickly with the Duplicate feature:

  1. Find the widget you want to copy, hover over the top right corner, click the ellipsis, then click Duplicate.

  2. On the new copy that appears, hover over the top right of your widget, click the ellipsis, then click Edit.

  3. Make any necessary changes to the configuration.

    1. In the Display field, switch to Average order value.

    2. Leave the Visualization type as Number and the Time period set for Today.

    3. Select Comparison to Previous Period and set it to Previous day and Amount for the type.

  4. Hover below the numbers and add a label to the widget.

    1. Add a label for the comparison value as well, e.g., from yesterday.

  5. Click Save.

Repeat this process for any other widgets that you’d like to create or add a new widget and select from the pre-built widget options.

Arrange the layout of your widgets

To change the layout of widgets on the dashboard, we can move and resize widgets or group them together to make the relationship between data clearer.

  • Move widgets with drag-and-drop, and as you do, a box will appear indicating where you can drop the widget.

  • Resize widgets by hovering, then clicking and dragging one of the sides to change the height or width.

  • Group widgets by dragging and dropping a widget onto another to create a group.

Learn more about designing your dashboard layout.

Explore advanced features

Build a multi-series chart

A multi-series chart can help you visualize trends between different metrics or between various properties. There are two types of multi-series charts you can create:

  • The Compare metric option is available within the Display field. This can be used, for example, to compare Total Sales versus Net Sales within the same widget.

  • The Split by feature can be used to compare properties within a single metric. Use the Split by option to select a Property for which you’d like to see a breakdown, such as Total sales split by sales channel.

Interactive view and Source data view

Drill down and access the source data using Interactive view to see what’s driving your metrics. Quickly review the root cause behind changes in your data so you can take action.

Status indicators and KPI notifications

Status indicators allow you to create visual alerts on your number and gauge widgets so you can quickly spot important changes to your metrics.

If your team uses Slack for internal communication, you can also configure notifications to be sent to specific channels any time your metrics reach a warning or success state. For example, you can configure a widget to notify you in Slack when the number of unfulfilled Shopify orders backs up to a point that requires immediate attention.

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